

Event Script


Sea Cave


Stan: So this is the cave.


Philia: We need to be careful.

Philia: There are monsters lurking...



Stan: Lets get through this cave to get to Moreau.



Stan: So this cave is connected to the ocean.

Stan: It would be bad if it caved in!

Rutee: Don't say ominous things like that!

Philia: I feel less confident about this place now.

Lion: ......

Stan: Sorry...


(Further In)


Rutee: Stop!


Atwight: What is it, Rutee?


Rutee: ...There’s something I want to do while we’re here. (Something about her wallet)

Rutee: Please wait a moment.


Dimlos: We don’t have time for this.


Stan: I thought a monster was coming out.


Rutee: ...Aah! The money is falling! Pick it up! Hurry!

Rutee: Ah, why did that happen?

Rutee: There's still 1 Gald missing; where is it!?

Rutee: I found it!


Philia: Rutee-san, must we really go through all this?...


Rutee: Forget it!

Rutee: Ah?


Stan: Rutee! Watch out!


Stan & Rutee: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!


Philia: Stan-san!?

Mary: Rutee!?




Stan: Uhhh...

Stan: Rutee, are you okay?


Rutee: Why did that happen!? It’s your fault the earth gave way!


Stan: Rutee, are you injured anywhere?


Rutee: I’m just fine!


Stan: I see; that’s good.


Rutee: You...

Rutee: I appreciate that you risked yourself to save me.

Rutee: ...Though it was unnecessary.


Stan: Whoa, this wall is really high. I don't think we can climb it.

Stan: Looks like we have to wait for Lion and the others to save us.

Stan: But, I’m glad that you’re okay.


Rutee: Stop talking about it already!


Stan: Money is important, but, for a woman, taking care of you body is important too.


Rutee: ...!

Rutee: What’s that mean...?

Rutee: You know that money is important? What would you know?


Stan: Eh, well...


Rutee: And another thing. What do you know about a woman’s body?

Rutee: What’s with that!? Don’t talk about things that you don't understand!


Stan: Well we are comrades, aren’t we?


Rutee: Comrades...comrades indeed.

Rutee: I never said this before, but you really are clueless, aren’t you?

Rutee: That’s why you can say things like that.


Stan: You think so...?


Rutee: You guys may have similar reasons, but I’m different.

Rutee: My intentions are completely different; don’t group me with you!


Stan: Rutee...


Rutee: *Sigh*


Stan: You’re here for different reasons...I didn't think of that.

Stan: ...Rutee, why are you a Lens Hunter?


Rutee: It doesn't matter either way. And it sure doesn't concern you!


Stan: Let me hear your side. I've been wondering all this time.


Rutee: ...About what?


Stan: About why you use Lens for money.


Rutee: I’m running out of patience!


Stan: There must be a good reason for you to do this.


Rutee: Isn't that obvious? I need cash!


Stan: Isn't that wrong? Isn't life important?


Rutee: That’s why I said you wouldn’t understand.

Rutee: If I’m poor, I can’t protect anyone.

Rutee: That’s why life is money!


Stan: Then the reason that you need Lens for money is...


Rutee: Ah...


Stan: I see...that’s what it was.

Stan: Sorry. I did something unnecessary.


Rutee: I’m not really hurt or anything.


Stan: Then I guess I learned something new today.


Rutee: About what?


Stan: People value life differently.

Stan: If those people found out something happened to you, wouldn’t they be sad?


Rutee: ...!


Stan: Though it sounds obnoxious, your family definitely worries about you.

Stan: Geh! O-o-o-o-o-o ow...


Rutee: What's wrong!?


Stan: I hurt something after that fall, but I’m good; my body's tough.


Rutee: Don't tell me you protected me when I fell.


Stan: Ah, well...


Rutee: And after that you put up with it.

Rutee: Idiot!


Stan: Rutee is an important comrade, of course.

Stan: Sorry, but that’s just how it is.


Rutee: You really...


Stan: ...It would be good they could hurry up and save us.


Philia: Stan-san! Rutee-san! Are you okay?


Mary: We'll let a rope down; hold on!


(Back at Top)


Rutee: I've been an inconvenience, sorry.


Clemente: It is quite unexpected.


Rutee: Money is definitely important, but from now on ...

Rutee: …


Stan: ...Yup, that’s right; I think so too.


Rutee: Thank you. I may be more of an inconvenience in the future.

Rutee: (anmari ne?)


Dimlos: (anmari!?)

Stan: (anmari ka yo! ...?)


Rutee: Ahaha! …


Dimlos: What do you know about me and Stan to say such rude things?


Stan: I was worried about you, you know?


Philia: Rutee-san’s attitude has changed a bit.


Mary: I think so too. It’s probably a good thing, though.


Philia: Yes...



Atwight: By the way, Dimlos.

Atwight: We haven’t talked about our past relationship to Stan and Rutee.

Dimlos: There’s no need.

Atwight: Are you embarrassed? ...

Dimlos: I just don’t like to talk about the past.



Rutee: Listen Stan, do NOT tell anyone what we just talked about.

Stan: I promise not to say that you’re a Lens Hunter because...

Rutee: Ah- that’s what I don't want!

Stan: Sorry...

Rutee: Will I really be okay with him around...




Stan: Phew, we've made it to the exit.


Mary: It’s too early to let your guard down.


Lion: This is...?


(After Battle)



Rutee: So Moreau is next.

Stan: After we get out of here, Moreau is close.

Stan: Right, Lion?

Lion: Yes, it is.



Stan: Hey Dimlos...

Stan: Do Swordians get hungry?

Dimlos: Why are you asking about that?

Stan: Well humans get hungry and you were once human.

Stan: Wouldn’t you get hungry?

Stan: Right, Lion?

Lion: Don't ask me. What could you do either way?



Rutee: Atwight and Dimlos aren’t normal comrades, right?

Stan: Not normal comrades?

Atwight: What makes you say that?

Rutee: It’s a cold answer, but I thought something more was going on.

Dimlos: It would be a bother if you knew.

Stan: Not normal comrades, huh...

Stan: I know...

Stan: AWESOME comrades!

Rutee: You, just be quiet.



Stan: Like I said, I understand.

Dimlos: No, no you don't understand; you don’t understand anything I say!

Stan: I understand a lot of things...I'll show you.

Dimlos: Stan! Where are you going! Come back here!

Rutee: By themselves, Swordians can't do much.



Stan: For now lets go to the town of Moreau.




summary needed



Translated by Richard Meadows (Kirby)